Podcast Filming and Editing

Elevate Cleveland Podcast Logo

Project Overview

My Responsibilities

Equipment Setup

An hour before the podcast I would setup the camera and audio equipment. I would test each mic and make sure the cameras were set in a multi-cam format. When podcasters arrived I would mic them up and finalized audio levels.

Podcast Filming

During the podcast, I would take note of camera shots that would be used in editing based on when someone was talking or if something needed to be cut. I also controlled the audio board and made sure the audio level remained equalized.

Video/Audio Editing

After filming I would immediately start editing the podcast in Adobe Premiere Pro, Audition, and After Effects. I captioned the entire podcast and added graphics to show up on the screen. At the end, I used After Effects to add the intro and outro in before sending to the Marketing Manager.


High-Quality Production

The podcasts I put together were eventually uploaded to YouTube and various other streaming services. The name went through a change to “Business and Beyond” and only featured one of the hosts instead of two.

While I was there, I was able to help with transitioning from one set to another. The marketing team trusted me to edit the podcasts completely after a couple of months with this internship. I was able to use my skills to edit the podcasts in a multi-cam format and provide audio mixing that was pleasing for the viewer to hear.

Better Branding

When putting the videos together I used intros and outros with music that was played with each episode. This along with the logo and thumbnails led to the podcast being more recognizable.

Towards the end of my internship experience I tried to include some merch items in the set such as mugs that the hosts drank out of to provide further reassurance of what podcast someone is watching.

Elevate Cleveland Podcast YouTube Thumbnail
  • Expert interviews in the field
  • Market updates and analysis
  • Shows workspace and company culture
  • Branding and cross-promotion
  • Downloads
  • Unique Listeners
  • Social Media Engagement and Reviews
  • Website Traffic
  • Podcast filming and editing
  • Sound engineering
  • Communication and client management
  • Attention to detail